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10 Tips for Repurposing Your Nonprofit Content

Nonprofit organizations often encounter hurdles in boosting their online presence due to limited time and funding. This is because they rely only on volunteers and donations. That’s why producing new content consistently can be intimidating, especially for new nonprofits. But with the right strategy, they can maximize their content, even with the resources they have. 

Repurposing content is one of the best practices nonprofit organizations can do to get the most out of their content. It’s a strategy where marketers repackage existing content into a new and engaging one. By repurposing your pieces, a single piece of valuable content can go a long way, resulting in getting broader reach, better engagements, and more volunteers or donors.

Why Nonprofit Organizations Should Repurpose Content 

Repurposing content allows you to reuse old content into something fresh, valuable, and compelling. Managing your online presence can be overwhelming if you keep creating new content. Repurposing content allows you to get the most out of your content while maximizing your capacity. It helps you engage with new audiences who haven’t seen your content before. It’s also easier to scale and allows you to spread your cause more efficiently.

1) Maximize Your Capacity

Publishing new pieces for every scheduled post may require too much of what nonprofit organizations can handle. But by repurposing your content, you can maximize your resources. You won’t have to come up with new topics and create new ones from scratch for every scheduled post.

By repurposing existing content, you won’t stretch your capacity too much creating an entirely new piece. And you still get stellar results if done right. You can do this by refashioning a single, valuable content into multiple formats and publishing them across different platforms. Just ensure that your new, repackaged piece from existing content is suitable for its new content type and chosen platform. 

2) Get the Most Out of Your Content

By repurposing content, you not only save resources but also get the most out of your content. A piece of valuable content can actually go a long way after being repurposed into different formats and published on various platforms. You can establish your authority and get rewarded by Google with higher ranks on search engine results pages or SERPs. 

Some may think repurposing content seems like posting repetitive pieces, but it's really not – the majority of your audiences might've not seen them yet. They must be able to see it at least 7 times before the message is retained in them. Just ensure you repackage your content into something new and explore different ways to deliver it.

3) Engage with New Audiences

As mentioned, most audiences might've not seen and engaged with your content yet. This applies especially to new audiences who haven’t seen your older posts. Repurposing content allows old and new audiences to see and interact with the content they’ve missed. If you’ve published a blog on your website, you may also want to repurpose it for other platforms. This allows you to reach broader audiences within different platforms.

4) Scale Easily

Repurposing content allows you to get the most out of your content, maximizing your resources and still setting you up for success in thought leadership. More than this, repurposing content is also easier to scale.

Meaning, doing this strategy makes it easier for you to assess and execute your campaigns for search engine optimization or SEO. Scaling in SEO involves researching, assessing, and executing tasks for boosting your online presence. Repurposing content is easier to scale because you’ve already done most of the research.

5) Spread the Message More Efficiently

Repurposing content allows you to spread your cause more efficiently because the valuable information your nonprofit can offer is distributed into different formats on various platforms. Your old posts also wouldn’t be collecting dust in your archives.

This allows Google and other search engines to deem your pages trustworthy and reward you with higher ranks in the SERPs. By gaining a better online presence from valuable content, more users can find your nonprofit and encourage them to support it by volunteering or donating.

Ideas for Repurposing Content for Your Nonprofit Organization

Maintaining content production for your nonprofit organization requires time, funding, and labor. You must publish valuable content consistently to reach your audience, spread your message, and establish yourself as a thought leader. By repurposing content, you can maximize your content without overstretching your resources. Some ways to reuse content into something new are:

1) Repackaging Think Pieces and Studies Into Blogs

The causes that nonprofit organizations campaign for are usually societal issues experienced by different sectors, from climate change and food security to children’s rights and safety. Aside from stories from these advocacies, there are also many think pieces and studies that back up their claims and provide in-depth analyses of their experiences.

These studies and critiques can be compelling, inspiring action among audiences. But these pieces are usually too telling and outward-facing, which can limit engagement. You can repurpose valuable articles, case studies, and clinical trials into blogs to make them more personalized and engaging.

2) Updating Old Blogs

You can review your old blogs and update them. Many blogs may be accurate when you’ve published them, but many things may have already changed. You may want to pick up on those blogs and update your audiences with new valuable information about the topic. While this sounds like creating an entirely new blog, you may still use much of the information from your old content.

Aside from updating information in your old blogs, you can also repurpose old content to improve it in terms of how it’s written. Nonprofits may also repackage existing blogs and make them more personalized for their growing audiences.

3) Turning Webinars Into Blogs

Hosting a webinar is a great way to have a more in-depth discussion about your advocacy directly with your audiences, boosting engagement. You may invite other industry experts to provide more credibility and value to your event.

Not all of your audiences may have attended your webinar. Creating a series of blogs about this event is a good way to reach and inform them about what you’ve discussed and maximize your content. 

4) Repurposing Blogs Into Webinars

You can also use blogs as a jumping-off point to hosting a webinar, the same way you can repurpose your event into blogs. Blogs may only discuss the surface level of a topic, so holding webinar events can provide an in-depth explanation directly from a professional where audiences can ask questions and share their thoughts in a more conducive platform.

But while there are audiences who find webinars to be more convenient and efficient, there are those who prefer blogs. Repurposing blogs into webinars and vice versa allows you to reach a broader audience.

5) Transforming Speeches Into Blogs

The founder of your nonprofit may have made a heartfelt speech during a fundraising event. You may record their speech and upload its transcript or create a blog from it, aside from uploading its video. 

Your event may have been successful with many people joining your campaign, but they still aren’t half of your audience – there are still many users who may have wanted to learn about the speech. You may also write about a speech of any personality that spoke about your advocacy.

6) Gathering Data and Statistics into Infographics

You may publish surveys, statistics, and other data as infographics to highlight pressing numbers involving your cause. These add compelling visuals to your website, which you can also upload on different platforms. Infographics are suitable for data because they’re:

  • Visually appealing
  • Easy to understand
  • Shareable
  • Beneficial for SEO

You can go a long way with infographics. You may upload it as a social media post, include it in your blog post to break up the text, or use it as a premium content offer to boost conversions.

7) Creating eBooks

You can create an eBook from your existing blog or content to make the most of it and gain opportunities for conversion. Compiling your blogs into an ebook can boost your nonprofit’s credibility. Ensure adding photos and additional research or information that ties your collection together. 

You may want to add manuals, templates, and other guides to your eBook. Choose a good cover that resonates with your brand. Another idea would be making your eBook premium content to boost conversions and grow your subscribers' list – eBooks can elevate your credibility because they provide audiences with valuable content.

8) Publishing Videos from Pillar Pages and Blogs

Blogs contain valuable information that answers questions of many audiences. This is especially true for your pillar pages, where many blog topics should be about better SEO. You can repurpose information from these pages by creating an appealing video.

You can create a video of a person discussing the topic or hold interviews with an industry expert. You may also create an animation with a voice-over. You can embed these videos in related blogs or pages, share them on social media, or upload them on your YouTube channel.

9) Sharing Stories and Testimonials Across Different Platforms

If there’s anything that nonprofit organizations should incorporate in their content, it’s storytelling. These provide nonprofits with a unique identity, deeper messaging, and intimacy with audiences that inspire action. 

Nonprofit organizations can gather stories and testimonials from their beneficiaries and donors and share them across different platforms. They can also use posts, comments, and reviews from audiences to build their credibility.

10) Uploading Photos from Your Events

You may have held a successful event that concerns your cause. Uploading photos and putting up a photo gallery on your website and social media is also one way to make the most out of your content. The audiences and donors who weren’t able to go to your event would have an idea of your recent projects and activities.

Repurposing Content for Elevating Your Nonprofit Organization

Content marketing can be intimidating for many nonprofit organizations due to the unique hurdles they face. But with a good content marketing strategy tailor-fitted for your capacity with creative content repurposing practices, you can set yourself up for success in thought leadership and organizational expansion.

Repurposing content allows you to reuse existing content into something new. Aside from its convenience in preparing for a new topic, it also boosts your nonprofit’s authority, allowing broader audiences to find your content. To get started, you must prepare the tools you’ll need for content creation. Repurpose evergreen content or those that are always fresh and relevant. You can also track your most popular post and repurpose them into something new.

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